Tuesday, November 7, 2017

ANYWAY tuesday random weirdness

sorry i have not posted in so long. like, a REAL post. About Me, The author. i am homeschooled. i have chickens.
 And goats.
And sometimes bunnies and cats and fish and frogs and caterpillars and welllll, you probably get the idea. I live in Wisconsin and am mostly seen scootering around town doing jumps and things like that with headphones around my neck and camoflauge hunting pants looking like a crazy person. Yep, that's me. I had an infamous sledding accident on January 28th earlier this year. I left with a mild cuncussion and my nose broken in six places. I live on about a quarter of an acre, at the moment We have nine goats, listed from oldest to youngest- Bramble, Pepper, Ophelia, Albus, Rondo (above^ the adorable, but smelly little man!), Cassiopeia, Thistle, and Thorn. We have 14 hens, and NINE yes, NINE roosters. (I know, we're only keeping the three. One of which, a rescue, (named Eggsit 45) Pictured above.) I have played Violin, Piano, Guitar, Cello and a few self taught IN-STRO-MEN-TS. All of our critters and some of our cars have names, except the roos who are going to a different home. All of our chickens are mix breeds and are a whole bunch of different flocks sort of merged into one, but i'll list some breeds that are in there: Barred Rock (Eliza and Angelica), Wellsummer (45), Bantam Silkie (Peggy and Lady, But mostly Lady), Araucauna (Peggy and Lady), Americauna (Nina and Pinta,), Buff Frizzle Cochin Bantam (Nellie), and Black Cochin Bantam: Sweetie, Eo, Alfonso, Toto, Lovie, Wilhelmina, Winston, And pretty much everyone else. There is so much more- But, Humans must sleep, Thus, off to bed i go.

I've never written a post this long. Just so you know.